Welcome to House™ , the official social media platform of UpLink Debt Relief, PLLC. Please be advised that the content shared here is for informational and educational purposes and constitutes attorney advertising. It should not be construed as legal or financial advice. While we are a debt relief agency with a focus on assisting individuals with filing for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code, the information provided is general in nature and may not be suitable for your specific circumstances.

At UpLink Debt Relief ("UDR"), we aim to offer educational and engaging content related to debt relief options and services for the everyday people of New York State. However, engaging with this content does not establish an attorney-client relationship, and it is not a substitute for professional legal counsel. To address your individual debt relief needs, we recommend seeking advice from one of our qualified attorneys.

While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, debt relief laws and regulations may vary by jurisdiction and change over time. Therefore, we advise consulting with an attorney to obtain the most up-to-date and relevant advice for your particular situation.

Please be aware that any testimonials or endorsements featured on this platform are not guarantees or predictions of case outcomes. Each case is unique, and results will depend on the specific facts and circumstances involved.

For your privacy and security, we discourage sharing confidential or sensitive information through this social media platform or any public interactions.

At UDR - House, we are dedicated to complying with all applicable legal and ethical requirements related to attorney advertising. However, please note that the content shared on this platform may not fully comply with the advertising rules of all jurisdictions.